710 Leona Street, Elyria, OH 44035

Off Site Facilities

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We don’t just screen staff and then ”scram”. Our wholly owned local medical offices are there to follow up with care when abnormal screening results occur.

Our local offices bridge the gap between screening and care.
Is it unusual for a corporate wellness company to operate its own offices? Yes. In fact, its unheard of. However, Xcell Corporate Wellness is managed and run by healthcare professionals so there is a strong underlying purpose in everything we do.
That includes the establishment and operation of our own fully functional medical offices, including full time staff and facilities.
By investing in these facilities we can smoothly guide any employee who receives an abnormal screening result right into the care they need. This also lets us employ a stable professional group of health care professionals, not just the hired guns other companies use. In fact, with us your employees will probably see the same professionals at our office as who screened them in your workplace.
This familiarity and convenience dramatically improve the likelihood that an employee with a health issue will seek proper treatment in a timely manner.
Our main facility is conveniently located on Leona Street and boarders the cities of Elyria and Lorain.  Given the location the office is easily accessible from both Interstate 90 and the Turnpike.  We also have other offices to provide follow up care and positive health outcomes for your employees.