710 Leona Street, Elyria, OH 44035

Measurable Results

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Health programs increase productivity, reduce accidents and absenteeism and are good for the bottom line.
Health Statistics That Impact The Bottom Line

Helping employees stay Healthy benefits everyone:

  • 80% of Americans suffer with at least one chronic illness and 60% suffer with more than one. This costs the average employee 9 sick days missed annually and up to 90 days of decreased production.
  • Most Americans begin to treat disease only after obvious symptoms develop which in most disease processes occur in the last 25% of the disease progression.
  • Doing screenings to find the markers or indicators of undetected disease process makes it easier and significantly less expensive to effectively treat the disease.
  • Diseases detected in the earliest stages are more likely to completely resolve and not result in a chronic illness.
  • Most Americans do not seek regular health screenings. The most effective programs for getting personnel screened are the ones provided on-site by employers.